WI (Women’s Institute)

Cattistock WI – Inspiring Women in Cattistock for 100 years!
Our WI is very fortunate in having a steady membership of people from Cattistock and the surrounding villages, who enjoy meeting once a month at The Savill Hall. We have a planned programme of talks, craft activities and social evenings – there really is something for everyone. We also take part in the national WI campaigns on issues that matter to us and our communities.
We meet on the first Thursday of each month at The Savill Hall, Cattistock. Do join us — you will be made most welcome.
The Programme of events can be seen on the Website Activities Calendar.
The WI offers you the opportunity to learn new skills, meet people, form new friendships and become part of the local community.
To find out more please contact any of the committee members or email: cattistockwi@dorsetwi.org
President: Joy White (07413 569488)
Secretary: Denise Thorne
Treasurer: Karen Middleton