Outside Gym Equipment

The official opening of the outdoor gym equipment took place on Saturday 25th March.  Particular thanks to those from the village who came along and in many cases tried the equipment.   

Special thanks to Andy Hodder and the shop volunteers, the Trustees of the Cattistock Community Fund, members of Dorset Council and the Parish Council for the all important funding.    The event was attended by the shop volunteers and their partners, Councillor Laura Beddows and Tracy Cooper from Dorset Council, together with Ian Mitchell who represented Frome Valley Parish Council along with a number of villagers. 

The project started from a challenge to fund something in the Village for the younger generation.  Previous applications from groups that have requested funding have managed their own projects.    Patrick Nelson decided to take on the gym equipment project on behalf of the Cattistock Community Fund and worked closely with the Parish Council.   The project required fundraising from the various sources mentioned.   This was a project that required to use experience from within the Cattistock Community Fund to manage the project and experience of and contact with the relevant councils to make it happen. 

The equipment was installed in November 2022 and officially opened on 25th March 2023.   This will be followed by three half hour training sessions scheduled for Saturday  22nd April 2023 that all villagers can attend.

Thanks to Peter Farmer for capturing the images on the day.