Outdoor Gym Equipment
The equipment is available for everyone to use, there is no age restriction but a height restriction of 4ft 6inches, hence the gate, which can only be opened by some over that height.
Each item of equipment has instructions and advice which is definitely worth reading before use. Also, there is a Fresh Air Fitness APP.
The general advice is to work up your routine and not overdo it. It is not necessary to spend an hour exhausting yourself, it is more about stretching your limbs and toning your muscles. Regular exercise of 15/20 minutes twice a week is the ideal.
It is advisable to go equipped with a towel. Could you please wipe clean the handholds and bars after use. We will try to keep the equipment as clean as possible, but if you have a moment a quick wipe down of the equipment will always help, and be appreciated by all.
On the training day it was suggested that one only needs a 15/20 minute session and if used regularly it improves mobility, balance, strength and overall health. One can also use the equipment for support in doing stretches both forward and backward. Ideal for all ages, but particularly older people who do less exercise as they age.
Go here to view instruction videos for each type of equipment installed:
- Combi Pull Down & Chest Press
- Double Air Walker
- Outside Air Skier
- Seated Outdoor Leg Press
- Outdoor Leg Lift Station
Go HERE to watch some of the hands on training
As you can see from these images, villagers have begun to enjoy exercising on the new equipment!